A Dream Day at River Cottage HQ

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The first session for me and the group I was in, was making bread and butter with Gill. I met Gill back in July, when we went to Camp Bestival. I even went up to him at the end of his demonstration in the kitchen there, to have a photo taken with him, and chat to him briefly about River Cottage, telling him how I would be going down for this event in September. So, it was pretty cool when he remembered me, although, I may have done a little nudging!!

River Cottage HQ

Our first task, was to make butter… from double cream… how awesome is that? As the first cooking group of the day, Gill had us whisking cream by hand, but soon realised it was going to take forever and a day to get it to the consistency of butter, so many of us switched to electric whisks; myself included!

After whisking for what seems like forever, you start to form butter, and the liquid leftover is called buttermilk… which we then used to make soda bread, which is like the easiest bread to make. The one we made used spelt flour, as well as blackberries picked, by us, straight from the hedgerows at River Cottage (along with other tasty ingredients). I’m going to write a separate blog post about these recipes, so look out for them soon.

River Cottage HQ

River Cottage HQ

River Cottage HQ

River Cottage HQ

River Cottage HQ

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