Top Tips to Have A Great Sleepover Party
Home » CELEBRATE »Throwing a slumber party can be disconcerting because the main thing you’re going to think about is the mess, the noise, and containing all that energy from your guests. But, a slumber party is one of the best ways to build friendships and connections. Thus, in order to have a successful slumber party, you need to make it memorable.
Whether you’re hosting the slumber party for yourself or for your kids, there are some things to keep in mind to keep it unforgettable. Here are some slumber party tips to make a memorable and great sleepover party:

Slumber Party Tips
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1. A Slumber Party Has A Minimum Age
If your kid is thinking of hosting or joining a sleepover party, you need to consider their age.
At around the ages of seven to ten that they are mature enough to understand instructions and communicate well. At this age, they’re more responsible and can handle being far away from home without missing their parents or panicking. But you know your child best and you should be comfortable with them attending a sleepover.
If the participants of your slumber party are of a young age, it’s crucial to get their parents’ numbers in case an emergency comes up.
Even if it is your tweens or teens having a sleepover, make sure you have emergency contact details.
2. Keep The Numbers Even
A slumber party is basically a party where the guests spend the night, and the main essence of it is to socialize and make connections. Participants of the slumber party will be chatting and playing games all night, and it’s not good to have someone be left out because your total guests is an odd number.
Look at your list and make sure that your guest list is an even number. That way, even if your guests change partners, no one gets left out.
3. Ask The Participants To Bring Their Own Sleep Accessories
No matter how well you prepare, you may not be able to give comfortable sleeping arrangements for everyone. Especially if you have a large group, let’s say ten, you won’t have enough beds and pillows for them.
Ask your guests to bring their own sleeping accessories, blankets, or sleeping bags that’ll give comfort for two. This way, they’ll be assured of blissful sleep when it’s time to doze off in your slumber party.

4. Plan The Activities
A party is not complete without activities and games. It just makes the event more entreating, fun, and brings people closer together. You also get to discover some fun quirks in each other’s personalities when you play games and learn each other’s secrets.
Make your slumber party interesting by having games. Decide whether it’ll be board games or party games. You can also plan to watch a movie to wind down after playing games.
5. Set The Rules
Don’t be afraid to set rules to make the slumber party fun for everyone. For instance, you can make a rule that forbids texting and the bringing of smartphones. In this social media-driven world, people cannot help but be connected to their phone 24/7. You can get guests to make a commitment to your rules and have them ditch their phones for one night so they can have fun in real-time.
You can also apply more conventional rules, such as no eating outside the kitchen and no sneaking out.
6. Have Plenty of Food and Drinks
Guests would love to have food in your slumber party since they’ll have worked an appetite because of all the activity. The best slumber party food is pizza because it’s tasty, easy to eat, and easy to prepare for large groups.
You can make food a part of your activity in your slumber party by having your guests prepare the meal and appetizers. They can make their own pizza by preparing the crusts and choosing their own toppings. That way, each guest will have their own personalized meal.

7. Keep The Children in The House
If you’re hosting a slumber party for kids or preteens, don’t let them sleep in your yard, garden, or anywhere outside your house. Don’t put up a tent on your lawn and have the kids hang out there.
Kids are naughty by nature, and they may make some mischief if you let them out of your house and out of your sight. A slumber party shouldn’t be total chaos, and you should impose some discipline and control over your children and their guests.
You don’t want the parents of your kids’ friends to think badly of you because you weren’t able to host a slumber party properly.
Final Thoughts:
A slumber party is one of the best ways to make friends. If you’re a parent, you can help your children build memories and form deeper friendships by allowing them to host their own slumber party.
Like any event, a slumber party must be well planned so guests will have fun and stay safe.