Milk Bottle Ghosts

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Okay, so Halloween was yesterday, October is finished (and so is Crafty October!) But I still have a few more things to share with you! I’ve got lots of photos to go through so please bear with me!

I had saved a lot of milk bottles to make Milk Bottle Ghosts to put outside on Halloween night…

Milk Bottle Ghosts | The Purple Pumpkin Blog

The kids that came round trick or treating loved them (so much so that a couple have gone missing lol)

I washed out the [plastic] milk bottles, drew faces on the front with a black marker pen, filled with some pea shingle to weight them down, and dropped in some glow sticks! They were so easy and cheap to make! Going to definitely do this again next year! Might even turn more milk bottles into snowmen for Christmas!

Milk Bottle Ghosts | The Purple Pumpkin Blog

The post is part of the Crafty October series on The Purple Pumpkin Blog. Check out Crafty October from 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, and 2012 for awesome Halloween ideas and inspiration, including recipes, printables, crafts, and more!

Crafty October on The Purple Pumpkin Blog

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