Day 7: Disney Resort Christmas Tree Trail Part 2 / H&H@TP 2017
Home » Everything Disney » Day 7: Disney Resort Christmas Tree Trail Part 2 / H&H@TP 2017 »After breakfast, we headed out to Super Target in Kissimmee. It’s located on Rolling Oaks Blvd. which is just off the 192. This store is HUGE, and I love it! More often than not I will come out having spent quite a few dollars, and I could imagine if I lived in the US, I’d be one of those people that go in to buy one or two items, but comes out with twenty!
I usually take photos of stuff when I visit American shops, but I don’t actually seem to have many. I think I may have actually done an Instagram Live while going around the store which could be the reason. However, I do have a photo of the awesome gingerbread house making supplies they stocked – why don’t we have something like this in the UK? The US has all the best stuff!
Not only could you buy the gingerbread house, but there were boxes of candy in seasonal colours to use when decorating – so awesome for a Christmas party right? I did actually buy a tray of the sugar cookies and brought them home with us!

Since we bought a bunch of stuff, we headed back home to drop everything back in our room, before going back out again to see some more Disney Resort Christmas Trees!

First up was Disney’s All-Star Sports Resort. This is one of a trio of value Resorts at Walt Disney World – the other two are All-Star Music, and All-Star Movies. I think they’re full of great theming, and we really enjoyed exploring the All-Star Resorts. All three of them are very similar in layout and style, and a great option for guests on a budget, as you still get to stay on Disney property, without breaking the bank too much.

The decorations had a sports theme to them, with lots of sports ball ornaments adorning the Christmas Tree and wreaths. The main decorations in the lobby had a blue and silver colour scheme, while the trees in the resort’s store – Sport Goofy Gifts & Sundries – had red trees.

There were also some really cool wreaths each with a different sports theme: American Football, with a helmet and ball; Baseball, with two bats and a couple of baseballs; Tennis with two rackets and a tennis ball; and the last one I guess is Volleyball? And Surfing? The wreath had both on it! They were also covered in stars and other decorations, and I really like them. I do love themed things, and Disney do theming so well! My photos are absolutely awful and out of focus, but it’s all I have…

We also took a wander around the resort grounds. The rooms are split into five different areas: Center Court (Tennis themed); Homerun Hotel (Baseball themed); Hoops Hotel (Basketball themed); Surf’s up (Surfing theme); and Touchdown (American Football themed).
Center Court
The Center Court area had rooms surround a giant tennis court – complete with giant umpire seats, tennis rackets, and tennis balls.
Statues of Donald Duck with his nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie. Donald wants to play tennis – because, duh, they’re on a tennis court. But the mischievous trio has other ideas! I never know which duck is which when it comes to these three, but I just looked it up online and apparently, Huey is in red (because red is the brightest hue), Dewey is in blue (because dew… water) and that leaves Louie who is in green (because: leaves). How fun is that?

Homerun Hotel
This baseball-themed section of All-Stars Sports had one of the Resort’s two swimming pools in it. The rooms surrounded the pool, which had a Goofy statue in the middle of it.
There were giant baseball bats and balls mounted on the front of the buildings, as well as a massive scoreboard, and bleachers. The theming in this area merged with that of the Touchdown zone which is why you can see the enormous American football and cup of Coca-Cola in both sets of pictures.

The rooms in surrounded an American Football field, with two humongous (I’m running out of ways to describe the vastness of all the themed stuff!) football helmets on each side. I know absolutely zero about this sport, but I guess the number markers on the sides of the building mark the zones of the field? And then you have the goals at either end too.

Surf’s Up & Hoops Hotel
I actually only have one photo from each of these areas. I thought I had taken more, but I guess I didn’t! A shame as the basketball section was really awesome with colossal whistles, and larger-than-life basketball hoops and balls. The big cheerleader horn was attached at one end of the Hoops Hotel building.
The Surf’s Up area surrounded the other swimming pool and had gigantic surfboards mounted on the building. Actually, you can just see some b-ball hoops in the distance of the surfboard photo. But that’s all I have for Disney’s All-Star Sports Resort. Onward to All-Star Music… can you guess the theme?…………..!