Wool Woven Candy Pots
Home » CREATE » Crafts » Halloween Crafts »There’s only 4 days till Halloween!…and today (well, yesterday as I’m writing this post late) I have made Wool Woven Candy Pots…
When I was making my Yarn Wrapped Letters a few days ago, I suddenly remembered a craft that I learned in primary school when I was about 9 or 10 years old. I remember the teacher giving us plastic cups that she had cut strips down the sides to the base, which we then wove wool in and out until the whole thing was covered. I remember being quite content weaving these little woollen pots, and using them to store pens and pencils and other bits and bobs! So it was whilst remembering those that I thought I would re-live that memory and make some for Crafty October!
First off, I gathered up some plastic containers that I had in the kitchen.
Using sharp scissors, I (as carefully as possible so as not to split the plastic), cut strips down from the rim to the base – an odd number of them are needed. This craft really is easier if you can use plastic cups rather than tubs (like I did, and managed to split the plastic whilst cutting!)
With your strips cut, thread your wool down one of the slits between the strips – you could knot it if you want, but I find it isn’t needed. You then work in and out – in front and behind each strip as you work around.
The first few rounds look a bit rubbish, but as you work more around the pot, they start to line up nicely and even out. Keep going around until you get to the top, thread to the back and with a crochet hook (it’s easier as you can grab the thread) knot the thread off and cut. (I really should have taken more photos of these steps)
Use any colours you like – I used green, orange, red and white…you will notice that I had five pots in the original photo – I managed to screw that one up, so it was binned!
You can, if you like, use different coloured wool going up the pot – cut off the original wool, tie on the new one (keep the knot at the back, and continue to weave in and out.
I wanted to decorate each of my pots, green would become Frankenstein, red would become a devil, orange would become a Jack O’Lantern, and white would become a ghost. I cut features from black felt and stuck them to the wool woven pots with hot glue.
My hubby thought it would be cool to put actual nuts and bolts on the side of Frankie’s “neck” and dug some out of his tool box. He helped me to cut through the plastic a little and push them into the pot. I think it really sets this pot off!
Since I’ve made these for Halloween, and they’re cool as a decoration in their own right (if I did that, I would have made lids for each one out of felt), I wanted to fill these with candy…
How much fun are these? Whenever I start a project I’m never really sure how it’s going to turn out, and I was more than pleased with these! I hope you give this craft a try! A great one for the kids to do as well!
Six Sisters
October 28, 2012 @ 10:52 pm
We just found your cute blog and love your candy pots! We would love to have you link up any time to our Strut Your Stuff Saturday link party! -The Six Sisters
Michelle {The Purple Pumpkin Blog}
October 29, 2012 @ 3:56 pm
Thank you – I would love to link up and will stop by at Strut your Stuff Saturday! (great party name!!) xoxo