Name Place Settings: Year of the Dragon Chinese Banquet

Home » HOLIDAYS & EVENTS » CHINESE NEW YEAR » Name Place Settings: Year of the Dragon Chinese Banquet

I visited London’s Chinatown with my husband a few weeks ago and I found these wonderful gold coloured dragons. They were about 3 inches long by about 2 inches high. I turned them over whilst looking at them in the shop and found that inside each one was a little piece of chocolate, so I figured they’d be a nice little favour for my guests to take home.

When I got home I thought I could somehow use them for the name place settings at my Chinese banquet and got onto my computer and started to design the name tag.

Since red is a lucky colour in China, and well, the Chinese flag is red and gold, I thought they were the ideal colours to use across my printable designs.

I created a name label using a red background, and the same gold gradient that I created for my invitations. I found another dragon graphic online that I converted into a brush, and used the ‘Shanghai‘ font for the names.

I made one for each guest then printed and cut them out.

I wanted to attach the labels to the side of the dragon, and found sticky dots in my craft stash.



I stuck one on the side of each dragon and then carefully pressed the name label on top so that they would stick. And voilà!




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