Inside Out Burgers

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This recipe for Inside Out Burgers is my hubby’s invention. I’m not sure where he got the idea from, but I like to encourage him to be inventive in the kitchen :D When we met, he could barely cook, and now he is quite the whizz! He made these for our Late Summer Barbecue, and they were yummy!

Inside Out Burgers at The Purple Pumpkin Blog

What’s an Inside Out Burger? You might wonder…well, the cheese is on the inside, making it inside out!

Using our hamburger press, hubby pressed out some burgers using beef mince, mixed with a stock cube for extra flavour. He then piled grated cheese in the middle and pressed two patties together to make a huge burger with the cheese in the middle. Then, onto the grill until cooked through!

Inside Out Burgers at The Purple Pumpkin Blog

Inside Out Burgers at The Purple Pumpkin Blog

Inside Out Burgers at The Purple Pumpkin Blog

Since this was a first experiment, hubs said he’d do things differently next time – he’d make a meatball shape first, poke a hole and stuff in the cheese; close that up and then press into a burger. The reason for this? The burgers did split a little. I would be inclined to use a block of cheese in the centre, rather than grated.

This also gives me ideas about what other ingredients I can stuff inside a hamburger!!

They were delicious, and kept the inside of the burger nice and moist as well. Give it a try – it’s always good to try new things, even if they don’t work out how you thought they might!!!

Inside Out Burgers at The Purple Pumpkin Blog

Inside Out Burgers at The Purple Pumpkin Blog

Inside Out Burgers at The Purple Pumpkin Blog


We did regular burgers too ;)

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