Cook, Craft, Create: December 2012

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Here we are – December – the last month of 2012! Can you believe it? I certainly can’t! This year has whizzed by so quickly – where has it gone?!

The 1st of December brings to you, dear readers of The Purple Pumpkin Blog, the start of Cook, Craft, Create: December 2012!

I’m so excited to be sharing all my ideas with you, every day, through the month. I hope you enjoy my posts and I also hope you’ll give some of them a try yourself. ^_^

If you do, I would love to see your creations…you can share with me in several ways…

Facebook – come on over and ‘like’ The Purple Pumpkin Blog on Facebook where you can post to the wall and share with other subscribers.

Link Party #12 – add your post/image to The Purple Pumpkin Blog’s monthly link party, it’s so easy, just follow the instructions on the screen.

Links to all the posts from each day can be found at Cook, Craft, Create: December 2012, which is on the nav bar at the top of my blog.

Let the cooking, crafting and creating begin!!

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