Cinco de Mayo – last minute party!

Home » HOLIDAYS & EVENTS » CINCO DE MAYO » Cinco de Mayo – last minute party!

Sometimes, when you’re craving Mexican food, it’s time to just roll with the punches and throw a last minute get together! So with mere hours to go, I phoned up my sisters and asked if they wanted to come over for dinner :) And since Saturday was ‘Cinco de Mayo’, or the 5th of May and is a celebration that is held mainly in the US and regionally in Mexico to mark The Day of the Battle of Puebla. Wanna know more? Check out Wiki. It felt like a perfect excuse (not that I need much of one!)

Since I read a lot of blogs, and the majority being American, I was inundated with Cinco de Mayo ideas – but not enough time to pull them off…next year ;)

So, with that said, here’s what I did for Cinco de Mayo…

And you can find all of my tex-mex recipes here

And you can find all of my tex-mex recipes here

You see the little signs? I made them with about 20 minutes to go when my husband said “you should totally make signs”…okay…challenge accepted! Design wise, not my best, but they did the job :D The main dish was chicken fajitas which you can just see in the cooking pot on the stove top. I hate my kitchen – it’s so fugly!

And because animal shaped food is fun…llama crackers!


I made a delicious Sweetcorn and Black Bean Salad, which went down well!


My tried and trusted Guacamole!


And finally a big bowl of Nachos!



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