Strawberry & Pistachio Frozen Yoghurt

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I had a pot of Greek yoghurt in the fridge that I needed to use up…so I decided to make some frozen yoghurt…

Strawberry & Pistachio Frozen Yoghurt at The Purple Pumpkin Blog

This really was a make it up as a I go along recipe…I started off as intended, with some strawberries I had in the fridge, along with the Greek yoghurt. Then I remembered I had some pistachios in the cupboard that I really should use up, so I invented my Strawberry & Pistachio Frozen Yoghurt!

Strawberry & Pistachio Frozen Yoghurt at The Purple Pumpkin Blog

Strawberry & Pistachio Frozen Yoghurt at The Purple Pumpkin Blog

To make my Strawberry & Pistachio Frozen Yoghurt you’re going to need…

  • 500ml Greek yoghurt
  • 400g fresh strawberries, hulled and chopped
  • 50g pistachios, chopped
  • Icing sugar to taste

I started by taking the stems off the strawberries and quartering them. I kept a handful or so back to stir through the yoghurt, to add a bit of texture and the rest got blitzed, with some icing sugar, in a blender. I haven’t given an amount for the icing sugar, as it will be down to how sweet your strawberries already are.

Strawberry & Pistachio Frozen Yoghurt at The Purple Pumpkin Blog

Strawberry & Pistachio Frozen Yoghurt at The Purple Pumpkin Blog

Strawberry & Pistachio Frozen Yoghurt at The Purple Pumpkin Blog

I scooped the yoghurt out into a bowl, poured over the strawberry purée and gave the mixture a stir until combined. I then folded the reserved strawberries through, and it was at this point I remembered the pistachios, so they got chopped and thrown in as well.


Strawberry & Pistachio Frozen Yoghurt at The Purple Pumpkin Blog

Strawberry & Pistachio Frozen Yoghurt at The Purple Pumpkin Blog

Strawberry & Pistachio Frozen Yoghurt at The Purple Pumpkin Blog

With all the ingredients now mixed together, I poured the yoghurt into a freezer-proof container and placed into the freezer. It will take 3 – 4 hours for the yoghurt to freeze – you don’t want it to get too solid, so keep an eye on it ;)

Strawberry & Pistachio Frozen Yoghurt at The Purple Pumpkin Blog

Every hour or so, I took the yoghurt out of the freezer and gave a whisk up with a fork, this helps to distribute the ice crystals…or something…or maybe I just read that when making ice-cream without a machine you should whisk up the mixture whilst it is freezing!

Strawberry & Pistachio Frozen Yoghurt at The Purple Pumpkin Blog

Once ready, serve and enjoy!


If you want to make this well in advance, just take out about 30 minutes before serving so that the frozen yoghurt can soften.

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