Simple Collages for Kids

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Have you got a stash of kids craft supplies that you’re not quite sure what to do with? Well, why not use them to create a collage?! I used to do this with my son when he was younger, and all because I remembered doing the same at playschool when I was 3/4 years old!!

Crafts For Kids - Butterfly Collage

I was sent the following craft items to make something with…

card, craft foam, tissue paper, felt, wool, pipe cleaners, selection of beads, sequins and buttons, feathers and craft foam shapes; plus sticky foam pads and a blu stick.

My mind had drawn a blank, and then, the collage memory popped into my head and I was away!

Crafts For Kids - Butterfly Collage

Start by getting all the collage pieces ready, this could be scrunching up tissue paper into tiny balls, cutting little square tiles from card, felt and craft foam (cut some triangles too!), laying out other craft materials so that they are easy to reach.

Crafts For Kids - Butterfly Collage

Then decide on a design. I drew out a butterfly onto a 12″ x 12″ piece of card, and mapped out spaces to fill in. This will guide your child to fill in different sections with different materials. You could do simple shapes too like squares or circles, or something more elaborate – or just let them freestyle it!

Apply some glue into each area and start sticking the various bits and bobs in place – there is no right or wrong way to do this :D

Crafts For Kids - Butterfly Collage

Crafts For Kids - Butterfly Collage

Crafts For Kids - Butterfly Collage

The blu stick was really handy as it shows up blue when it is wet and turns clear when it dries, making it easy to see exactly where the glue is on your piece of card. For sequins, it is easier, I found, to use PVA glue. When everything has been glued into place, allow to dry before hanging on the wall!

blankDisclosure: I am part of the Bostik Family Craft Bloggers Network and was sent these supplies to craft with and write this post. Check out my other Bostik Family Crafts.

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