National BBQ with Homebase
Home » Lifestyle »If you’re a long time reader of The Purple Pumpkin Blog, you’ll know that we love a BBQ! As it’s National BBQ Week, it would be rude not to celebrate, so we’re having a family barbecue this weekend…I just hope the weather sorts itself out and stops raining!
Back in February I had already started thinking about summer barbecues (yes, I’m bonkers!) and I shared 7 Tips for Throwing a Great BBQ. Homebase have kindly sent me lots of goodies to throw a barbecue to put all my tips into practise…I’ll now be able to show you that they really are awesome tips!
Tip 1. Get Out The Barbecue
Our trusty barbecue has sadly seen better days, but we’ve got a fab new Lovo Oil Drum Charcoal BBQ to grill on now. I chose this one for a couple of reasons. 1) It’s size – the cooking dimensions are 36 cm x 63 cm, and you get this TWICE because the lid acts as a second grill! Perfect for when grilling for lots of people (like we do) and also, as a space for vegetarian options – keeping those veggie foods away from the cooking meat. 2) Storage – there is a shelf underneath, as well as two shelves on either side, which means you can keep everything close to hand.
Having read the reviews on the Homebase website, the barbecue has a 4.6/5 star rating, which tells me that it doesn’t disappoint and does a good job. We’ve yet to set it up (rain has held off play) but it would seem it takes about an hour and it is very sturdy. Looking forward to seeing how it performs at the weekend!
We also have a huge 10kg bag of charcoal briquettes, which burn longer and hotter than lumpwood charcoal, so are perfect for large barbecues. We also have some firelighters and a long lighter to get the fire going. In addition to this oil drum barbecue, we also have a small smoker, so have got a bag of hickory wood chips to use in that.
For cleaning up the grill when the party is over, we’ve got a bottle of barbecue cleaner and a 3 in 1 brush to make the job a little less taxing!
Tip 2. Plan A Menu
Menu planning for any party or family gathering is definitely my domain! I’ve shared lots of barbecue recipes here on my blog over the years, and I try and do new things each time so that I’ve got more recipes to share with you guys. I also tend to give food for parties a bit of theme, so the theme for this weekends barbecue is American!
This is my planned menu for our All American BBQ!
Hamburgers + Hotdogs with all the fixins’
Barbecue Ribs & Chicken Wings
Chilli Corn Bread Muffins
Roasted Corn Salad
Macaroni Salad
Cowboy Beans
Potato Salad
Peach Cobbler
Iced Tea
…and here are some of my previous recipes to whet your appetite until I can share the new ones next week!

Tip 3. Prepare Food in Advance
We generally have a barbecue in the late afternoon, which gives me the morning to prepare dishes. If meat needs marinating, then I’ll do that the night before, so that means the chicken wings and ribs for this barbecue. Hubs is in charge of making the hamburgers, which he does a few hours in advance and stacks with greaseproof paper between each one.
I buy large foil take-away containers to prepare and serve the salads in – this means they can stack easily in the fridge and can be tossed at the end of the day – saving on washing up!
I do cook things like chicken wings and ribs in advance in the oven to ensure they’re cooked through, and finish them off on the grill.
Tip 4. Avoid Cross Contamination
I’ve got different chopping boards for meat, fish, fruit and vegetables. I also make sure that raw meat is stored in sealed containers, on the bottom shelf of the fridge so as not to worry about it the juices dripping (which they shouldn’t if in sealed containers, but best be safe than sorry) onto other foods.
I wash fruit and vegetables, to get rid of nasties, and also wash my hands between preparing raw meat/fish and other foods. I always tie my hair back and take my rings off. As a publican’s daughter, I’m a stickler for food and kitchen hygiene.
Tip 5. Set-Up the Dining Area
There’s a lot of us in my family, and we don’t have a large table (yet!) so instead, we have a few smaller tables to sit around. We also put a picnic blanket down for the little one – my niece!
Since we can’t ever rely on the weather in the UK, even in summer, we have got a pop-up gazebo which will go up to provide shelter from the rain; and if by some sort of sorcery we have scorching sun, it’ll protect us from that too!
We have got a long trestle table that I use to serve all the salads and sides from. The photo below from our previous barbecue, and you can see the takeaway containers that I talked about in Tip 3. At the top left of the photo you can see a bucket which I put the bundled up cutlery into – knife, fork and spoon wrapped up in a napkin and tied off. I tend to use paper plates too, again, it saves on washing up.
I do also have serving trays and platters, which I use if I’ve run out of throw-away containers!! I do love a good platter ^_^
I also like to decorate, so have some pretty, colourful tea-lights and some gorgeous stones that I can put into vases.
Tip 6. Get Your Grill On!
I was so pleased to see that Homebase sell a BBQ chimney starter, and we actually bought one a little while ago – it makes starting the coals so much easier! We now have two which means we can get both sides of the oil drum barbecue going with minimum fuss!
I’m not planning on cooking fish at our All American Barbecue this weekend, but a BBQ fish holder is a really handy utensil to have. Fish cooked over coals tastes amazing, and having the holder makes it a lot easier to handle and turn over.
Since we have a vegetarian in the family, it’s good to have two sets of utensils – tongs, fork and turner so to avoid cross contamination.
Tip 7. Don’t Forget Dessert!
I’m making a peach cobbler for dessert, and will have some slices of watermelon too, but, a tradition at American cook-outs are S’Mores, which are toasted marshmallows, squished between two Graham Crackers with a piece of chocolate. We’ve got some of the crackers that we bought in Florida, so they’re getting used this weekend! To make toasting marshmallows a lot easier, we have a set of toasting forks – I was so excited when I saw them for sale in Homebase, it means you don’t have to have the heat beating down in your face to toast them like we usually do on the ends of skewers!
I can’t wait to prepare my All American Barbecue this weekend and will be sharing the recipes with you next week. In the mean time, I hope you’ve found my tips useful (again!) now that I’ve explained how I’ll be putting them into action!
And why not check out the BBQ infographic below – which side do you fall on? We’re definitely charcoal and wood barbecuers!
Grilling BBQ Debate Divides Britain – an infographic by the team at Homebase.
fritha strickland
June 2, 2014 @ 4:28 pm
we love BBQ’s, why is it that is always rains when you plan one though?? x
Michelle Ordever
June 2, 2014 @ 4:32 pm
I believe they call it sods law!! It was sadly all change for us – post coming in the week x
Jen Walshaw
May 31, 2014 @ 12:52 pm
You certainly would have needed a gazebo this week! We love BBQ’s
Michelle Ashmore
May 30, 2014 @ 3:17 pm
The weather is supposed to be nice for us this weekend so I may suggest a BBQ to the hubby because the girls keep asking for one!
Vicky Wombwell Kuhn
May 30, 2014 @ 12:57 am
Oh wow – who doesn’t love a BBQ? Done a couple under gazebos in my time – blooming British weather!
May 29, 2014 @ 10:53 am
I really want to have a BBQ – stares menacingly at the rain clouds
Claire Toplis
May 29, 2014 @ 10:12 am
looks at rain .. I see blue skies soon so I can BBQ
Sarah Bailey
May 29, 2014 @ 1:56 am
I haven’t been to a BBQ in ages – I keep thinking about it though as smells of ones held locally have drifted through open windows and they always smell so good.
Wild & Grizzly
May 28, 2014 @ 11:51 pm
I love a good BBQ, especially corn on the cob. Shame we don’t have a garden, but at least we get to go round our friends for one. x
Kirsty Phillipson-Lowe
May 28, 2014 @ 11:00 pm
We love to BBQ plus it gives me even more of an excuse to be in the kitchen preparing a spread whilst the hubby is in charge of the meat! x
May 28, 2014 @ 10:40 pm
Goodness, what a spread! That is the most elaborate BBQ ever. Ours is just burgers and salad :-( Am drawing inspiration for this summer.
Ang Gallant
May 28, 2014 @ 9:27 pm
You made me want corn! Go away rain, I want BBQ corn!
Ickle Pickle
May 28, 2014 @ 8:40 pm
Great photos! We love BBQs when we get nice weather x
May 28, 2014 @ 8:31 pm
My 4 year old loves a BBQ more than anyone, we’re still waiting for some decent weather to hold one!
Tami Anderson
May 28, 2014 @ 8:23 pm
That will be why the weather is awful this week then! Your BBQ food looks delicious, hope the weather improves so you can have one this weekend!
May 28, 2014 @ 8:02 pm
At the first sign of sunshine my husband is desperate to get the bbq out and it always goes wrong. I shall follow your tips and hopefully the next one will be more successful!
Vikki Holness
May 28, 2014 @ 7:54 pm
We had our first BBQ of the year last weekend and i’m praying for this rainy weather to improve so we can light it up again! xxx
Eileen Teo
May 28, 2014 @ 5:37 pm
Love to get out my BBQ! We had a BBQ two weeks ago and made s’more! All of us love it! I find that using chocolate digestive biscuits is better.
May 28, 2014 @ 5:26 pm
I just want the SUN back so I can think about getting outside and BBQ-ing etc!
You Baby Me Mummy
May 28, 2014 @ 4:33 pm
Wow! Your food looks so amazing! I really want to come to your house for a BBQ. Great tips too x
lisa prince
May 28, 2014 @ 4:16 pm
oh wow what a bbq fananza you have had, i cant wait to find the sun and start letting ours out of the shed x
Bek B
May 28, 2014 @ 4:07 pm
We haven’t had a BBQ this year yet. We love them when we do have one though. I love the look at yours. Lots of ideas for future BBQs. Thanks for sharing :-)
Agata Pokutycka
May 28, 2014 @ 2:35 pm
Oh yes. We love a good BBQ too.