My Ultimate Night In
Home » Lifestyle »I’m not very good with this time of year as it is – the miserable and cold weather, the dark days, the inevitable bouts of sniffles and colds… But coming home from a holiday in hot, sunshine filled Florida, to a grey, cold UK in November has made this winter season feel even worse. We’ve been back home just over a week, and I’m still out of sorts! When Velvet asked me what my ultimate night in would look like, I knew this was exactly the sort of thing that would take my mind off the winter (and post-holiday) blues.
I have always been a happy homebird, preferring a night in, to a night out – especially when it is cold and dark outside. Whether it’s just my husband and I; the three of us (when we can drag my son from his games console) or inviting friends and family over, spending a night in at home is where I am happiest.
My ultimate night in, right now, would be just my husband and me. We’ve had a very stressful year, and are both guilty of neglecting ourselves, and each other, so some couple time is long overdue. That means it would be a romantic night in, with all the clichés you can imagine – low lighting, candles, food, wine, and us. I can’t remember the last time we had a night in with a purpose. I mean, sure, we spend every night together in the same house, but it’s not the same is it?!
To keep things as stress free as possible, I know we would order a take away – Indian food, since that’s our favourite – and whilst waiting for that to arrive, set the table, pour the wine, and just sit back and chill. Dinner would give us a chance to chat, and have a laugh; it feels like it’s been ages since we just did that.
We used to like playing games – whether it was something on one of our games consoles, an old fashioned board game, or a simple pack of cards, but we don’t ever seem to find the time any more. That would have to be on the plan for the night. We’d also have to watch a film or two – we’ve bought so many over the years, that have ended up staying sealed in the pack and gone unwatched. Why? Because we don’t find the time. Whatever film ended up being, the lights would off, the popcorn would be popped, and we’d be snuggled on the sofa under a blanket.
It’s probably not the most exciting plan, but as I said, for me, right now, this would be the ultimate night in. I think I’m going to make it happen this weekend, before even more time slips away from us!