Mickey Mouse Peanut Butter Truffles

Home » COOK » Recipes » Disney Recipes » Mickey Mouse Peanut Butter Truffles

hiho peeps!

i’m SOOOO happy to be here thanks to Michelle, who is kind enough to have me post today from my home,

hoopla palooza!

my name’s lisa and i blog about all kinds of silly food and craft making. i like thinking outta the box food stuff like when i made these, and these and these.
or fun crafts like this, this, and this.
so yeah, i guess i make a lot of these and thats!

anywho, i’m a nurse who blogs for sheer fun cuz nursing is not exactly fun stuff so i will never post about “what i wore” cuz who wants to look at an old uniform everyday?
blah. not me.

but i do hope you take a look at what i made for you today!

just recently i went to disney world just like michelle is doing and i of course found some awesome mickey paraphernalia.
one of the things i got was something that helped me make Mickey Mouse Peanut Butter Truffles:

wanna know how to make them?
oh hey, i got a better idea.
let’s get mickey himself to help me show you.

here we go!

no food processor at my house so i use the good ‘ole rolling pin and ziploc bag method.

but before we get into that, do this:


in the meantime,


so again, that’s 18 nutter butters, 4 oz. softened cream cheese and 2-3 tbsp of peanut butter mixed together. you’ll have to scrape off the extra peanut butter from the sides of the crushed cookies in the ziploc bag if you use the redneck method.

ok, let’s move on.

the chocolate base should now be ready.


now freeze that for at least 30 minutes.


be careful when removing-the nose is a little tricky to keep on!





hey mickey! don’t forget to tell them to keep them in the fridge or freezer! and that this recipe makes about 18-20 truffles.
oh wait a minute. i think i just did.

so hey that’s that and thanks to mickey we can now all enjoy a yummy treat.

hope you guys swing by my place at hoopla palooza for more fun. if you’re looking for something serious, you won’t find it there.

but if you want some fun, come over!

a million gazillion bazillion THANK YOUs to MICHELLE!!!!

it’s been a blast! :)



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