Marshmallow Barbells

Home » COOK » Recipes » Recipes By Course » Desserts » Marshmallow Pops » Marshmallow Barbells

Another very quick and easy to prepare dessert for my London 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony Party was Marshmallow Barbells!

I was originally going to dip the marshmallows in melted chocolate, but that didn’t work so well, especially as I left it to the last minute to put these together!  I did one side, and then thought to let the dry, and then do the other side, but didn’t have anywhere to hold them to do so…so that idea was knocked on the head, and instead I cut a lolly stick in half and skewered marshmallows on either end :D

Marshmallow Barbells for an #Olympics Party at The Purple Pumpkin Blog

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