Fifteen Years of Birthdays!
Home » Family »My son is 15 today (again, my disbelief at where the time has gone!) and it’s the first year that I’ve not planned a party for him! *wails* He’s out with his friends for the day, and this mum is sitting at home, clock watching and worrying…they say it gets easier as your kids grow up – they lied! It gets harder!!
So, to take my mind off things (he’s texted, he’s having a good time) I went through old photos that I have on my computer and put together all the ones I had so that I could share his birthday parties from years gone by ^_^
The only photos I have of his first birthday on my computer as some old scans of scrapbooking pages that I made. For his birthday we bought him some Tweenies toys as he loved watching the Tweenies! He had three parties! One at one set of grandparents, one at the other, and then one at home with our friends!
For years 2 to 5, I don’t have any photos on my computer – the hard copies of those photos are still packed away in boxes – waiting to be scrapbooked….! I remember making him a chocolate cake for his 2nd birthday and we had a drop-in party (our flat was small!) for all our relatives to come by and wish him happy birthday. For his third birthday, we’d just moved house and he wasn’t very well, so my parents popped over for an hour to see him and then he spent most of it lolling about on the sofa :(
I’m trying to remember what we did for his 4th birthday, he would have been in nursery and I’m pretty sure I would have thrown him a party for him with his classmates. His dad and I split up not long after his 4th birthday…For his 5th birthday I hired out a hall and we had a magician! The magician even had a rabbit!
Liam had his 6th birthday party at home with his school friends. That dinosaur you see on the wall I printed off on my computer in sections and then covered it with sticky back plastic. It was for a game ‘pin the leaf in the dinosaurs mouth’ instead of ‘pin the tail on the donkey’! I remember it stayed on the wall for weeks afterwards!
When he turned seven, I paid for a bowling party at the local bowling alley. He had about 10 friends celebrate with him – and it was chaos!! But they all had such a fun time. And it looks to me like he’s wearing exactly the same top as his 6th birthday! By now, hubs and I were together, and this was Steve’s first experience of a kids party – he didn’t know what he had let himself in for!! Steve dropped his camera at the bowling alley and I thought that these photos were gone forever…but luckily, someone handed it in and we got the camera back :)
For his 8th birthday party I again hired out a hall, this time with a DJ and he had a disco party with all his class friends. I always organised traditional party games for them, like musical statues and pass the parcel. The mums used to tell me how much they loved the parties I organised because I kept to the old skool traditions!
By nine, he was well into Pokemon, and so, I printed a load of pictures off and hung them on the walls. He had a few friends round and more chaos ensued! I kept the kids quiet by making them play ‘sleeping lions’ and other team activities. I do love a traditional kids party! We’d also just bought a chocolate fountain, so that was a big hit with all the kids!
At ten years old, Liam was well into his video games! He had a few close friends over to have a game tournament, and I made him a Super Mario birthday cake – I’m so proud of that cake!!
His 11th birthday was another close mates party, with a shop bought cake! The same cake as his 9th! You can see by his t-shirt that he’s still into his video games (at 15 that hasn’t changed!!) I set up a pizza making station in the kitchen for the boys to make their own pizzas.
He was in secondary school when he turned 12, and didn’t have a party with friends. He wanted to go to his favourite restaurant, a Chinese buffet, so that’s what we did and had a small cake at home with candles, for blowing out and making wishes!
Then teenage years now…when he reached 13, I was a lot more into my photography, and so, I took him to the local park and did a coming of age photoshoot – he was such a great model! I threw him a Nintendo Themed Party which I blogged about, and we all had a great time! It was a time for family for this birthday with his aunties and uncle, and of course me and hubs! He still talks about this party!!
When he turned 14 last year, I set up an Army Themed Party for him (with the family again). Still into his video games, but instead of cutesy Mario games, it was army themed games >_<
He asked if he could go out with his friends for his 15th birthday today…and so, off into town he went for some Nandos and playing on the arcades! He’s just come home, and that makes me breathe that sigh of a relief that us parents feel when we know our children are safe at home! It has been weird not to plan a birthday, but with his 16th next year, I guess I should start planning right?!
Happy birthday my gorgeous blue eyed boy, may 15 be awesome!! ♥
February 25, 2014 @ 8:59 pm
Happy (Belated) Birthday Liam! Hope you’ve had an amazing time, enjoy every second x x
Michelle Ordever
February 26, 2014 @ 11:28 am
Thanks Gill! He had a fun time xx
February 25, 2014 @ 5:33 pm
Such a good idea to scrapbook birthdays – he has grown into a very handsome young man. My daughter is 21 this year so I might just borrow your idea
Michelle Ordever
February 26, 2014 @ 11:28 am
Thank you :) and happy 21st to your daughter!
February 19, 2014 @ 1:47 pm
Wow look how much he has grown! Amazing pictures and some fab birthday parties :) x
Michelle Ordever
February 19, 2014 @ 7:43 pm
Tell me about it! You kinda don’t realise how much they grown until you look back! x
The Egyptian Mummy
February 19, 2014 @ 11:08 am
Wow it must be great to have all these photos and be able to look back at how he grew. I loved seeing how the birthday cakes changed too over the years! I’m planning to have a cake snap for my little girl’s birthday each year so when she is 18 we can embarrass her and put them all on display ;)
Michelle Ordever
February 19, 2014 @ 7:44 pm
What a great idea of the cake photos! Would look great as a photo montage on the wall!!
It’s always great to look back at photos, so many memories xx
Helen Peakle Pie
February 19, 2014 @ 3:38 am
Wow what a post! Sounds like he had a good time! As a mum of a 16 yr old boy I agree it gets harder and you worry more! I cannot believe that mine will be able to learn to drive in 8 months time – eeek!
Michelle Ordever
February 19, 2014 @ 7:44 pm
Oh gosh! I’ll be tearing my hair out when he wants to learn to drive…my mum always said the hardest part about being a mum is letting them fly! xx
Clare Mansell
February 18, 2014 @ 11:47 pm
Wow, amazing looking at the photos of him growing up. I think the biggest change was between 10 and 11, he sort of went from looking like a “boy” to looking like a “teen/young man” and isn’t he a looker now, you must be proud!
Michelle Ordever
February 19, 2014 @ 7:46 pm
I agree – he was 10 when me and hubs got married, and then just a year later we were off to Orlando for the first time – looking back (back in 2011) it was astounding the change in him!! I’m very proud of him – he has his moments, but he’s generally a good kid! xx
Agata Pokutycka
February 18, 2014 @ 5:48 pm
I hope he had a great day with his friends!
Happy Birthday to your, not so small anymore, blue eyes boy
Michelle Ordever
February 19, 2014 @ 7:46 pm
He did! Although, came home earlier than I thought he would – I shouldn’t complain though right?! thank you – he’ll always be my blue eyed boy xx
Sarah Bailey
February 18, 2014 @ 2:04 am
Happy Birthday to your son! It must be weird not having him around for the first time, I hope you get some mother – son birthday time as well :) x
Michelle Ordever
February 18, 2014 @ 10:18 am
I knew those dreaded words (for me at least!) “can I go out with my mates” would come one day – they can’t be babies forever *sobs* x
Vaidehi @vaichin
February 18, 2014 @ 2:31 am
Happy birthday to your son. What a fantastic post this is. A collection of memories to treasure x
Michelle Ordever
February 18, 2014 @ 10:17 am
Thank you :) When I am able to look back at all these photographs, I am so glad I took lots! x
Danielle Vedmore
February 17, 2014 @ 11:59 pm
I have to say you dont look old enough to have a 15 year old! He looks like a very nice young man bless him. Very handsome. It is odd how time flies – I wish you could keep them a bit younger for a bit but you cant! x
Michelle Ordever
February 18, 2014 @ 10:19 am
I’m 37 (had him when I was 22) I guess, back then (omg, when did I start sound old!) it was fairly young. Lots of friends I went to school with are only just having babies now! Thank you for your kind words xx
February 17, 2014 @ 9:58 pm
Wow, this is a lovely post, it actually made me feel a bit teary!!! Time goes so fast and they grow up so quickly and when I’m being woken up early I sometimes long for mine to be a bit older when they will (supposedly) not wake so early. This makes me realise I need to enjoy every moment. I love all of your mementos of the past years, so special.
Michelle Ordever
February 18, 2014 @ 10:20 am
Awww! Time does go super fast – live in the moment because it’s gone in a flash. But look back fondly at the memories that have been made as they are to be treasured forever xx
February 17, 2014 @ 9:15 pm
I cannot imagine having a 15 year old! A lovely post with great memories to look back on. Hope he has had a great birthday.
Michelle Ordever
February 18, 2014 @ 10:21 am
I can’t believe I’ve got a 15 year old!!! When I look back at the photos from when he was a baby, through to a toddler, little boy and now a young man it just makes me happy and sad at the same time! I know time can’t sit still, but just to have some of those times back when he was a bubba would be awesome! x
February 17, 2014 @ 9:14 pm
What a gorgeous young man – he looks much older than his 15 years! My eldest turned 16 just before Christmas, I know what you mean about time flying… what a lovely record to have :)
Michelle Ordever
February 18, 2014 @ 10:22 am
Thank you! I don’t know many 15 year olds so can’t tell if he looks older than 15!! It just flies right by doesn’t it? I’m glad I kept a memory of his birthdays – they’re always fun to look back on! x
Charly Dove
February 17, 2014 @ 9:13 pm
Oh my goodness what a wonderful post. Must have been amazing to look back at the years gone by. Great photos too :)
Michelle Ordever
February 18, 2014 @ 10:23 am
It was fun to look back through them – wish I had the gap years on the computer to share, but they’re all boxed up somewhere! x
Suzanne Whitton
February 17, 2014 @ 8:07 pm
Lovely to look back and see how much they’ve grown isn’t it? I imagine you must be immensely proud :) I love the old-fashioned parties too, by the way!
Michelle Ordever
February 18, 2014 @ 10:24 am
It is crazy to see how much they grow – you don’t realise it at the time! I am so proud of my boy! Old fashioned parties are awesome – and it was always nice that the other mums thought so too – made a change from this crazy world we live in now where kids feel forced to grow up quick! x
February 17, 2014 @ 8:12 pm
What an amazing post, and such a lovely thing to do while your son was out enjoying his birthday party. A gorgeous memento of years gone by, and memories to treasure.
Michelle Ordever
February 18, 2014 @ 10:24 am
He came home just as I was finishing up this post and about to publish. He looked through it and smiled whilst he remembered! x
February 17, 2014 @ 7:10 pm
What a lovely post – it sounds like he’s very lucky to have you as his mum x x
Michelle Ordever
February 18, 2014 @ 10:25 am
Thank you Cass – I’m lucky to have him as my son! xx