Arribas Brothers #100DaysOfDisney

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Welcome to Day 68 of 100 Days of Disney here on The Purple Pumpkin Blog! Be sure to check out all of the other posts in this series, and if you would like to share your own Disney blog posts or pictures, make sure you check out the #100DaysOfDisney Link Party!

Arribas Brothers is a store in Downtown Disney that sells the most beautiful glass ornaments, crystals, jewellery and more. It really is a special shop, and I love walking in here and having a look around, maybe one year I’ll buy one of the figurines as a keepsake – although, I’d be scared about transporting it home!

Downtown Disney

Downtown Disney

Downtown Disney

Downtown Disney

I love how there are also demonstrations of the artist blowing glass – it’s fascinating to watch, and the skill involved is so impressive! It is definitely a store to have a look in when you are in Downtown Disney – just keep children away from the shelves!!

Downtown Disney

Downtown Disney

Downtown Disney

Downtown Disney

Downtown Disney

Downtown Disney

Some of the ornaments are super expensive, just check out the cost of Cinderella Castle…I’ll take two please!!! How stunning though is this sparkly piece of art though!

Downtown Disney

Downtown Disney


Day 68 of #100DaysOfDisney is done – 32 to go!
Come back tomorrow for another Disney related blog post!

Posts in the #100DaysOfDisney Series…
Disney Make It Monday | Tasty Tuesday | Wednesday Around The World | Theme Park Thursday | Disney Fashion Friday & Disney Merchandise | Saturday Night at the Disney Movies | Disney Sunday Sounds

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