Guess the Date/Weight of Baby

Home » CELEBRATE » Baby Shower Ideas » Guess the Date/Weight of Baby

I guess more of an activity than a game? But you I couldn’t host my sister’s Pink Flavoured Baby Shower without guests guessing the due date and weight of the baby!

I created a sign to sit next to the answer sheets (that I also co-ordinated with all the other party stuff) for everyone to write their guesses down, along with their names. The parents-to-be have kept them and it’s going to be fun to see who was the closest with their guesses!

Guess the Date/Weight of Baby for a Baby Shower at The Purple Pumpkin Blog

Guess the Date/Weight of Baby for a Baby Shower at The Purple Pumpkin Blog

Who will win…? My mum’s guessed date is first…and my husband thinks it’s going to be a heavy baby! We’ll find out soon enough!

Guess the Date/Weight of Baby for a Baby Shower at The Purple Pumpkin Blog

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