Our Disney Soundtrack ♥
Home » Everything Disney »So I’m burning a couple of CDs to play in the car whilst in Florida. I don’t think I’d managed 3 weeks without listening to Darren Hayes…so he went on a CD and I also made another CD filled with Disney songs…here’s our Disney Soundtrack for when we drive from the airport to the villa!!
- Hakuna Matata [The Lion King]
- Can You Feel The Love Tonight [The Lion King]
- A Whole New World [Aladdin]
- Heigh-Ho [Snow White]
- Ev’rybody Wants To Be A Cat [Aristocats]
- When I See An Elephant Fly [Dumbo]
- You’ll Be In My Heart [Tarzan]
- Some Day My Prince Will Come [Snow White]
- It’s A Small World
- The Bare Necessities [The Jungle Book]
- The Unbirthday Song [Alice in Wonderland]
- You’ve Got A Friend In Me [Toy Story]
- Circle of Life [The Lion King]
- Beauty And The Beast [Beauty and the Beast]
- Be Our Guest [Beauty and the Beast]
- Reflection [Mulan]
- Son of Man [Tarzan]
- Two Worlds [Tarzan]
- Part Of Your World [The Little Mermaid]
- In Harmony [The Little Mermaid]
- True To Your Heart [Mulan]
- A Spoonful of Sugar [Mary Poppins]
- Under the Sea [The Little Mermaid]
- When You Wish Upon A Star [Pinocchio]
Stephanie Kalozi
September 2, 2014 @ 12:57 am
Ahhh this is such an awesome idea!!!
I am currently planning our
Disney trip for 2015, 1 year and 2 weeks to go. Our first time was
August last year and it was only 3 days, as we were doing the whole USA.
I’m absolutely loving your blog its bring back so many memories and
also getting me so excited for a whole 2 weeks next year!!! :)