Disney Costumes at Tesco #100DaysOfDisney

Home » Everything Disney » Disney Costumes at Tesco #100DaysOfDisney

Welcome to Day 26 of 100 Days of Disney here on The Purple Pumpkin Blog! Be sure to check out all of the other posts in this series, and if you would like to share your own Disney blog posts or pictures, make sure you check out the #100DaysOfDisney Link Party!

This week’s Fashion Friday is all about dressing up, Disney style! I found all these costumes online at Tesco Clothing; where 248 items came up when I searched for Disney – wow – something for all the family if you’re planning a Disney holiday! But today, I’m concentrating on Disney costumes…

At the time of writing this post, the costumes are £12.50 each, with the exception of the Belle and Rapunzel costume sets (they’re the ones with the shoes) which are £22 each. Shame that there aren’t more boy costumes – Peter Pan would be a great one, or one of the Princes! But at least your little man has got Jake the Neverland Pirate. For the girls there is Belle, Rapunzel, Princess Sofia, Alice, Cinderella, Minnie Mouse, Ariel and Sleeping Beauty.

My personal favourite is Minnie Mouse! I want that in adult plus size! I would totally wear it!!

Do you buy costumes for your children? Which is your favourite?
Day 26 of #100DaysOfDisney is done – 74 to go!
Come back tomorrow for another Disney related blog post!

Posts in the #100DaysOfDisney Series…
Disney Make It Monday | Tasty Tuesday | Wednesday Around The World | Theme Park Thursday | Disney Fashion Friday & Disney Merchandise | Saturday Night at the Disney Movies | Disney Sunday Sounds

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