Day 14: The Story of Christmas / H&H@TP 2017
Home » Everything Disney » Walt Disney World Trip Reports » Day 14: The Story of Christmas / H&H@TP 2017 »Listed below are some of the dishes you may find on the buffet at Biergarten. Most of the labels for each dish had the German translation, which I thought was cool! Some didn’t though, so maybe those are the ones they switch out more often.
I believe there are some extra dishes for dinner (we went for lunch) but there is a great selection of options, both hot and cold, plus bread rolls, condiments, and desserts.
For kids, there is always macaroni and cheese to be found on any Disney buffet! There is also hot dogs, chicken, and green beans too.
Cold Buffet Selection
- Mixed Greens – Grüner Salat
- Creamy Herb Dressing – Kräuterdressing
- Tarragon Dressing – Estragondressing
- Fresh Vegetable Salad – Frish Gemüse Salat
- Bavarian Cabbage Salad – Bayrischer Kraut Salat
- Macaroni Salad – Nudel Salat
- White Bean Salad – Bohnensalat
- Marinated Mushroom Salad – Mariniert Champignon Salat
- Cucumber Salad – Gurken Salat
- Wurst Salad – Wurstsalat
- Beet Salad – Rote Beete Salat
- Sausage Selection – Wurst Platte

Hot Buffet Selection
- Potato Leek Soup
- Sausage Platter with Grilled Bratwurst, Mini Regensburger and Double-smoked Pork on Sauerkraut
- German Sausage – Deutsche Wurstchen unt Sauerkraut
- Seasoned Potatoes – Gewürzte Kartoffeln
- Roasted Chicken – Gebratenes Hühnchen
- Pork Schnitzel – Schweilnesechnitzel
- Hunter Sauce – Jägersoße
- German Meatballs – Fleischbällchen
- Braised Red Cabbage – Geschmorter Rotkohl
- Warm German Potato Salad – Kartoffelsalat
- Roasted Potatoes – Bratkartoffeln
- Sautéed Green Beans – Gebratene grüne Bohnen
- Cheese Spaetzle – Käsespätzle
- Salmon in Dill Sauce
- Chef’s Carving Station
- Pretzel Rolls

- Ketchup
- Curry Ketchup
- Sweet Mustard – Süßer Senf
- Mustard – Senf
- Apple Sauce – Apfelmus
- Apricot Chutney – Aprikosen Chutney

- Apple Strudel – Apfelstrudel
- Vanilla Sauce – Vanillesoße
- Red Berry Compote – Rote Grütze
- Pineapple – Ananas
- Gingerbread Cake – Lebkuchen
- Mocha Chocolate Roulade – Mokka Schokoladen Roulade
- Black Forest Cake – Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte
- Bavarian Cheesecake – Bayerischer Käsekuchen

Included in the price of the buffet is a non-alcoholic beverage (refillable) and alcohol is an extra charge. Steve had a beer, but unfortunately, even though Liam is over 18, the drinking age in the USA is 21 so he wasn’t able to.
The oompah band performs all day long. We have always been able to see their whole show which includes the musicians dressed in traditional lederhosen singing and playing instruments and encouraging the audience to get up and polka!
The band plays together (tuba, trumpet, accordion, and drums) and then they break into solo/duos to play traditional instruments like the Alpine Horn, Cow Bells, and Xylophone. It is all very entertaining!

Biergarten » Germany Pavilion, Epcot World Showcase
Bill: $132 + Tax: $8.58 + Tip: $19.42 = $160
TiW Discount: $n/a
Total Paid: $160