Day 21: Four Corners of the World! Part 3 | Back To The Magic 2013

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Back to the Magic Report Index (and here’s the Pre-Trip Report!)
[Today’s photographs can be found on my Flickr and the whole collection of days can be found here.]

September 3rd, 2013

Here we are, the last full day of our 2013 trip: Back To The Magic 2013 We couldn’t decide which Disney park we wanted to visit on our last day, so we thought, why not ALL the parks?! And that’s exactly what we did!

The third park of the day was Epcot and we drove towards the tollgate at just after midday.

I don’t think we’ve ever got on the tram at Epcot before as always seem to be able to park close to the entrance. So towards Spaceship Earth we headed, like a beacon drawing us into the park!


Photo number 3 taken in front of the *cough* giant golf ball *cough* and then I spotted a lady wearing what I think are probably the most ridiculous shoes to walk around the theme park in! But hey, if she’s comfortable in those all day, good luck to her ^_^


Remember when I said we went on Ellen’s Universe of Energy the other day – that must have been rubbish because my photos indicate that we actually went on it today! Serves me right for not writing proper notes >_< I really don’t think we’d have ridden this twice in one holiday – it’s not that good a ride! Test Track must have been ramajammed, because it doesn’t look like we did that on our last full day.




The one great thing that Universe of Energy is, is a place to get out of the heat and have a sit down for a prolonged amount of time! The ride is like 40 minutes long!

After that, we headed towards Club Cool to get some freebie drinks from the soda fountains, and look at the fountains on the walk there ^_^





Along the way to The Land to go on the boat ride ‘Living With The Land’, we saw Chip ‘n’ Dale, and no holiday is complete for us without a meet up with two of our favourite characters! They weren’t too impressed with Liam wearing his Donald Duck hat!

They’re always such fun to meet, so cheeky and playful, even with 2 adults and a teen! So don’t think character meet and greets are just for little children!



Into The Land we went, and Epcot really is a great park to visit to get out of the sun and the heat as much is indoors in the lovely air-con!



We walked straight onto the boat ride which takes you inside the greenhouses of Epcot where they grow, what looks like, every single fruit and vegetable there is! It really is an interesting tour. Next time we hope to do Behind The Seeds, which is a walking tour of the greenhouses, and hubs and I really must swap over sides when sitting in the boat because I think all my photos are of the same things as last time we went!






There are quite a few Hidden Mickey’s on this ride, and we spotted four – two of which I just managed to get photographs of!


When the boat ride came to an end, and wanting to make a move onto the final park for the day – Magic Kingdom, we started to make our way to the exit.



But with the line very short to get on Spaceship Earth, we decided to hop on it for a ride up and inside the iconic landmark!

I’ve said before that the genius of this park is the learning you do whilst on the rides. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but we love Epcot. Sure, a few of the rides could do with a bit of an update – Spaceship Earth being one of them, but we’ve never had anything but a good time when we’ve visited Epcot!

As you ride Spaceship Earth you have your photo taken which is inserted into a cartoon at the end, with hilarious results!



We spent around two and half hours at Epcot, leaving just after 2.30pm, with the final park of the day in our sights!

Read Part 1: Four Corners of the World – Disney Hollywood Studios
Read Part 2: Four Corners of the World – Animal Kingdom
Read Part 3: Four Corners of the World – Epcot
Read Part 4: Four Corners of the World – Magic Kingdom

Read about the previous day: Day 20 – Finding Dory: Discovery Cove (Non-Swim) + Dinner at Olive Garden

Read about the next day: Day 22 – Bon Voyage: MCO to Gatwick with British Airways « Coming Soon!

Read ALL the days! Back to the Magic Trip Report Index 2013

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