Day 21: Four Corners of the World! Part 2 | Back To The Magic 2013

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Back to the Magic Report Index (and here’s the Pre-Trip Report!)
[Today’s photographs can be found on my Flickr and the whole collection of days can be found here.]

Animal Kingdom
September 3rd, 2013

Here we are, the last full day of our 2013 trip: The Pumpkins Pop Back to Florida! We couldn’t decide which Disney park we wanted to visit on our last day, so we thought, why not ALL the parks?! And that’s exactly what we did!

We drove to our second park of the day and went through the tollgate at 10am. Because we’d already paid to park at DHS, we didn’t need to pay again. With the parking spot noted, we boarded a tram for the entrance.

We got our ‘park number 2’ photo taken in front of the sign and started to walk into Animal Kingdom.

Animal Kingdom is gorgeous to my eyes! The flowers, foliage, animals and theming is just wonderful.





Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted DiVine! I hear that she is hard to see, and she was actually just leaving, so I quickly snapped a few photographs, which she happily posed for! Of course, you may be wondering who on Earth DiVine is, well she’s a stilt walker covered in leaves and blends in with her surroundings!


We then walked towards the Tree of Life, where we had another family photo taken. I adore the Tree of Life, it’s such a stunning centrepiece to the park.





We spent about an hour and a half in Animal Kingdom and didn’t do much other than wander around. We wanted to go on our family favourite – It’s Tough To Be A Bug – and on the way spied the ringtailed lemurs.



As you walk to the theatre for It’s Tough To Be A Bug, you get to walk past some of the carvings in the Tree of Life which are just amazing to look at!


A show was just coming to an end, so we just grabbed our bug eye glasses and hung around in the foyer until we could go inside.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…whilst they warn you that it might be scary for young children – you’re plunged into darkness at one point and the noise of the ‘bad’ bugs is very loud, I really do think they should warn the parents with young kids some more! I always hear terrified screaming at this show. Eek! It’s a fun and informative story about bugs and we really do love it.

Yes we could have gone on Expedition Everest, but I wouldn’t get Liam on that with a barge pole unfortunately! And we could have done Kali River Rapids, but we didn’t want to be soaked through so early in the day!

As I said, we spent time just wandering about, just looking…




…then Liam declared that he was hungry, so we bought a hot dog and fries from Flame Tree Barbecue which he ate with the company of some birds!



A final wander into the shops and it was bye-bye to Animal Kingdom for another trip!

Animal Kingdom

Animal Kingdom

We drove into AK at 10.00am and I took my last photo at 11.36am, so about an hour and half here!

Read Part 1: Four Corners of the World – Disney Hollywood Studios
Read Part 2: Four Corners of the World – Animal Kingdom
Read Part 3: Four Corners of the World – Epcot
Read Part 4: Four Corners of the World – Magic Kingdom

Read about the previous day: Day 20 – Finding Dory: Discovery Cove (Non-Swim) + Dinner at Olive Garden

Read about the next day: Day 22 – Bon Voyage: MCO to Gatwick with British Airways « Coming Soon!

Read ALL the days! Back to the Magic Trip Report Index 2013

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