17 Steps To Make Moving Home Easier For Your Children
Home » Home & Garden »Moving house is exciting, but it’s never an easy process, and throwing kids into the mix just adds to the physical and emotional strain.
After hours of cleaning, packing, unpacking, more cleaning, setting up, multiple trips to the local tip, and about 5,000 cups of coffee, you’re still nowhere near finished, and the kids are running riot—help!
Don’t worry—we have some great tips to help make the move a little easier. Simply sit back (with a large cuppa) and start planning.

Before You Move
- Before beginning anything, sit down as a family and discuss the plans for what will happen and when. Hear what they say and be open to suggestions, especially for their bedrooms.
- Show your kids the new area where they’ll be living and tell them about nearby play areas, activity centers, etc., and a trip to the local school if they’re moving to a new one.
- Accept help. Allowing your kids to be involved with the move will make them feel involved.
- Allowing your children to visualize the new home will help them understand moving. Let them familiarise themselves with their new bedroom. You can do this by visiting the home itself, or if this isn’t possible, take an online visual tour.
- Be honest and answer any questions. They might be confused or worried about the big move, and answering their questions will help them settle into the idea.
- If you’re just in the early stages of moving house and would like legal advice, use a residential property solicitor who will understand your situation, help to explain the legal process and costs from the outset, and keep you updated throughout the journey.

Packing For Your Move
- The key to packing is de-cluttering—it’s the perfect opportunity! Allocate a time with each of your children to go through their bedrooms and decide what can be packed and what can be left behind.
- Be sure to keep their favourite toys out and pack them last minute.
- Keep packed boxes in a room with the door shut to prevent little ones from going in and unpacking (otherwise, the packing process will become even longer!).
- Pack a box for your first night to easily retrieve the essentials.
- Give your children a “Things I Love” box, which they can fill with their favourite things, such as toys, pajamas, blankets, etc.
- Keep your kids occupied by letting them decorate the packing boxes, remember to label clearly in case they get mixed up. We have got some printables to help you stay organised: Packing Box Labels and Box Contents Labels.

Moving Day
- Prepare a picnic with sandwiches, crisps, fruit, drinks, etc. Having food ready for when you need a well-earned break will help keep the kids occupied.
- Prioritise beds. The first job should be putting up and making the beds—after a long, tiring day, the little ones will be ready for their own bed, so it’s best to be prepared!
- If possible, move house while the kids are at school. If they’re out of the way, there’s one last chance of chaos! Before they’re home, have their bedrooms ready. That way, they can occupy themselves by exploring their new space.
- If you can, hire a cleaner to do the final once-over of the old house; experts won’t miss anything!
- Annnnnd breathe. It’s time for the exciting part of settling into your new home! You might have a lot to unpack, but the rush is over—slow down and spend some time with the little ones!